Addresses personal balance concerns with the spidercave. This PoI, in my opinion, was a bit too heavy on spiders and low on loot for being lower/middle wilderness, and I've noticed it's rarely engaged with because of it.
Removes some spiders, leaving roughly three per chamber to prevent solos from becoming quite so overwhelmed.
Replaces specials with random normal spiders, which can be plenty dangerous on their own.
Sections off the east wing from the middle chambers with some boulders to, again, prevent swarming - this area is an annex between the 'caves' and the 'abandoned hideout', anyway. Moves a regular spider here to compensate for lack of reinforcement.
Replaces the untextured 'wooden' shovel with a standard shovel.
Moves the pickaxe slightly further from the landmine in the bottom right to incentivize grabbing it and using it to get around the PoI.
Adds a broken gun to the middle area, 2 magazines for the compact .45, and a weapon power cell to make the area more worth it. Tools and furniture laying around should provide what's needed to repair broken weapons.
Addresses personal balance concerns with the spidercave. This PoI, in my opinion, was a bit too heavy on spiders and low on loot for being lower/middle wilderness, and I've noticed it's rarely engaged with because of it.