Polarts / sentispace

A diary app to track your daily activities, and how you feel about them. Feel Tracker will provide you with a day, week, and month view of the activities you want to track, as well as tranding and statistics.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FIX: Monkey patch for category modal #39

Open Polarts opened 1 year ago

Polarts commented 1 year ago


A monkey patch has been applied to CategoryBadge: if no onClick callback is provided, a click will open the CategoryModal component by default. Not sure if this is desired behavior, but programmatically it'd be more correct to have the modal open on-demand in the parent component rather than nested inside.

const handleOnClick = (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => {
        // TODO remove monkey patch
        onClick ? onClick() : setIsModalOpen(true);
