Polarts / sentispace

A diary app to track your daily activities, and how you feel about them. Feel Tracker will provide you with a day, week, and month view of the activities you want to track, as well as tranding and statistics.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Redundant version Method issue in visual code Database.ts file #57

Closed Ziv89 closed 2 months ago

Ziv89 commented 2 months ago

While running the project in visual code there is an issue in the the section :

version(arg0: number) { throw new Error('Method not implemented.') } in Database.ts. it causes errors and the page will be blank while running the project:

The issues in the code seems to be from the attempt to override or redefine methods that are already provided by the Dexie library, deleting this section seems to fix the error.

blankpage Captureerror

Polarts commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry, but I don't see this anywhere in the project's codebase. I also ran it now to verify with a fresh clone and there's no such error. Where did you find it?

Ziv89 commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry, but I don't see this anywhere in the project's codebase. I also ran it now to verify with a fresh clone and there's no such error. Where did you find it?

I've downloaded the whole project and tried to run it in visual code and then the section appeared in Database.ts. sentispace-main.zip

Polarts commented 2 months ago

I've downloaded the whole project and tried to run it in visual code and then the section appeared in Database.ts. sentispace-main.zip

I assume you have some extension in VSCode that did it. I opened the zip in the link and there's no such line in Database.ts