Police-Data-Accessibility-Project / data-sources-app

An API and UI for using and maintaining the Data Sources database
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Data Source Search results: advanced search filtering #14

Open josh-chamberlain opened 1 year ago

josh-chamberlain commented 1 year ago

Wireframe here (balsamiq desktop required).

Allows people to filter our Data Sources db using a variety of properties.

Should also come with #21


Property grouping

What kind of data?

Property Filter type Notes
name search string
record_type multi-select type to narrow list
description search string
airtable_uid exact match, csv


All agencies are selected by default.

Property Filter type Notes
agency_described type ahead multi-select type to narrow list
agency.state multi-select type to narrow list
agency.county type ahead multi-select type to narrow list; responds to state filter
agency.municipality type ahead multi-select type to narrow list; responds to state and county filter
agency.agency_type multi-select ability to select all/none
agency.jurisdiction_type multi-select ability to select all/none


Property Filter type Notes
agency_supplied select "yes" or "no/unknown"
supplying_entity search string
agency_originated select "yes" or "no/unknown"
originating_entity search string
community_data_source select "yes" or "no"

Access & Format

Property Filter type Notes
source_url search string
access_type multi-select ability to select all/none
record_format multi-select ability to select all/none
record_download_option_provided select "yes" or "no/unknown"
aggregation_type select
data_portal_type multi-select type to narrow list
access_restrictions multi-select ability to select all/none
records_not_online select "yes" or "no" "no" selected by default

Coverage & Retention

Other retention properties make more sense to display than search. Property Filter type Notes
coverage_start date range
coverage_end date range

Hidden internal-use properties

Fields already hidden in the public view linked above should still be hidden. This is all for a public facing view; in the admin, we'll need more properties visible and filters usable—especially related to intake / approval.

submission_notes submitted_name rejection_note last_approval_editor submitted_contact_info agency_described_not_in_database record_type_other data_portal_type_other private_access_instructions record_type_other data_portal_type_other private_access_instructions

Intentionally excluded from searching/filtering

I don't want to crowd things, so if I couldn't think of a reason to use these, I left them out. These are for other purposes.

size access_restrictions_notes source_last_updated update_frequency update_method sort_method retention_schedule number_of_records_available scraper_url data_source_created agency_described_uid request_status approved url_broken

mbodeantor commented 9 months ago

What makes sense to me (open to suggestions) for a user experience flow would be:

josh-chamberlain commented 5 months ago

@kalenluciano @mbodeantor @joshuagraber I don't think anyone's got too far down the path working on this yet, but I'm thinking we should hold off for now—I'm not convinced this one has a solid cost:benefit. More likely, we should add features to the search results page slowly over time, and work on more of the stuff in the Data Sources Communities bucket (login, notifications for new data in your area, etc)