Open winhamwr opened 12 years ago
So some possible places to look for implementing this:
via shared_task shows a way to register a task that will be available to all celery app instances. This gives us a way to avoid doing something nasty like monkeypatching the Celery object to add a celery.jobtastic_task
or some such.
_task_from_fun has all of the magic needed to create your task object from a function.
Back of the envelope possible solution:
def _jobtastic_task_from_fun(app, fun, **options):
if 'base' in options:
raise Exception("'base' can't be used on a JobtasticTask")
T = type(fun.__name__, (JobtasticTask, ), dict({
'app': app,
'accept_magic_kwargs': False,
'calculate_result': staticmethod(fun),
'__doc__': fun.__doc__,
'__module__': fun.__module__}, **options))()
task = app._tasks[] # return global instance.
return task
def jobtastic_task(*args, **kwargs):
def create_jobtastic_task(**options):
def __inner(fun):
name = options.get('name')
_shared_task(lambda app: _jobtastic_task_from_fun(app, fun, **options))
for app in _get_active_apps():
if app.finalized:
with app._finalize_mutex:
_jobtastic_task_from_fun(app, fun, **options)
def task_by_cons():
app = current_app()
return app.tasks[
name or gen_task_name(app, fun.__name__, fun.__module__)
return Proxy(task_by_cons)
return __inner
if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Callable):
return create_jobtastic_task(**kwargs)(args[0])
return create_jobtastic_task(*args, **kwargs)
Hi, I'm investigating how to do the same thing. Could you please give a full example of using this kind of pattern. Thanks!
Hi Viacheslav,
Unfortunately, that back of the envelope example is the closest I've come. If I had a full example, it would already be merged in :P If you give this a try and you run in to specific problems, I'd be happy to help with some debugging, but I haven't yet been able to prioritize building this out completely. Decorators would be awesome, though.
Instead of requiring subclassing of
, provide ajobtastictask
decorator that uses the decorated method ascalculate_result
. This wouldn't allow things like overriding progress calculation, but for a big majority of tasks, you probably don't need that anyway. The configuration member variables can then be set as keyword arguments on the decorator.HT: zphds