Polidea / ios-class-guard

Simple Objective-C obfuscator for Mach-O executables.
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Cannot find offset for address 0x5000000001004dca in stringAtAddress: #42

Open Wolf4 opened 8 years ago

Wolf4 commented 8 years ago

Following the manual, I have tried to use obfuscate_project script. All I changed is "General build options". Script passes clean and build stage with success, but fails on obfuscation itself.

So ios-class-guard fails with following output:

2015-09-18 17:02:00.614 ios-class-guard[68503:1570876] Error: Cannot find offset for address 0x5000000001004dca in stringAtAddress:

Can someone tell why this error may occur and how I can fix it? Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: By exclusion I determined that problem lays in some swift classes, i.e. when I exclude them from project obfuscation works like a charm. Looks like ios-class-guard cannot simply process it. Maybe I can somehow "tell" ios-class-guard to pass swift code and work only with objC? Or any way to avoid this behaviour. It is not a big deal if I cannot obfuscate swift code. I appreciate any advice.

Vincentit commented 8 years ago

How did you manage to exclude the swift files in using ios-class-guard? By -F class filter in ios-class-guard command?

MiguelChiang commented 8 years ago

I meant the same, looks like swift class got pass through iOS Class Guard. Anyone tried before?

xeieshan commented 6 years ago

How can one skip swift files. Can someone help here?