Polidea / ios-class-guard

Simple Objective-C obfuscator for Mach-O executables.
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The result of the ".\obfuscate_project" is not expected. #45

Closed renlix closed 8 years ago

renlix commented 8 years ago

I run the command: ./obfuscate_project, the result is: "Congratulations! Obfuscation completed. You can now build, test and archive Your project using Xcode, Xctool or Xcodebuid..." so i open my xcode and click Product->Archive, i am exporting to ".IPA" the result file ".APP". When open the file in the software "IDAQ" i can see all name of the methods e other codes inside the file. That result is the same when i build direct in xcode, whithout .\obfuscate_project what i am making wrong ?

jiang-yi-siphty commented 8 years ago

In your project folder, you should see following extra folders and files after obfuscation. /build /build.obf /symbols.h /symbols.json And, check your xxx-Prefix.pch, should have this line:

import "/Users///symbols.h"

If so, when you achieve or build your project, it is obfuscated.

-------------------P.S.-------------------- What is your XCode version? Because my XCode 7.0 doesn't work with ios-class-guard.

renlix commented 8 years ago

I am using Xcode 7.0.1

jiang-yi-siphty commented 8 years ago

Have you got any problem like " Unexpected '@' in program" when you compile your project?

renlix commented 8 years ago

Sorry for delayed answer, but i was curled up with other projects.

No, i do not got this error.

I have got this error: "No code signing identities found", but i can building and generate Archive in my XCode, and the other projects I can publishes them without problem. I created a AppleID for my new test project in my MemberCenter and configured in my XCode project, bur when i run: "./obfuscate_project" i have got this error.

renlix commented 8 years ago

My error is because i changed "CLASS_GUARD_OPTS_SDK" from "iPhoneSimulator.platform" to "iPhoneOS.platform", when i backed, i do not got more error. But i can not find the file "symbols.h" nowhere.

renlix commented 8 years ago

Now i can run obfuscate_project without error, and generete "symbols.h". When included "#import "/Users///symbols.h"" in my *-Prefix.h i have got error: "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS9.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Headers/CFBase.h:238:1: Unexpected '@' in program" and many other mistakes like this .

I did test in XCode 6 and work very well.

Anybody knows what i need make to work in XCode 7 iqual on XCode 6.