PolishookDavid / LAST_OCS

Code controling the LAST project Observatory
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clear all or clear classes still call destructors, which can't disconnect Slaves #1

Closed EastEriq closed 2 years ago

EastEriq commented 2 years ago
>> P.shutdown
{obs.unitCS}   parking the mount...
{obs.unitCS}   disconnecting devices and slave sessions...
{obs.unitCS}   powering off cameras and mount

ans = 

  unitCS with properties:

         PowerSwitch: {[1×1 inst.tinycontrolIPpowerSocket]}
               Mount: [1×1 inst.XerxesMount]
          MountPower: 0
              Camera: {1×4 cell}
         CameraPower: [0 0 0 0]
             Focuser: {1×4 cell}
     LocalTelescopes: []
    RemoteTelescopes: {[1]  [2]  [3]  [4]}
               Slave: {1×4 cell}

>> clear P
>> clear all
{obs.util.Messenger} 02_slave_1.Messenger timed out waiting for a reply to "true"
{obs.util.SpawnedMatlab} graceful exit of slave session 02_slave_1 timed out, attempting to kill
{obs.util.SpawnedMatlab} empty process ID, no idea about what to kill
{obs.util.Messenger} 02_slave_2.Messenger timed out waiting for a reply to "true"
{obs.util.SpawnedMatlab} graceful exit of slave session 02_slave_2 timed out, attempting to kill
{obs.util.SpawnedMatlab} empty process ID, no idea about what to kill
{obs.util.Messenger} 02_slave_3.Messenger timed out waiting for a reply to "true"
{obs.util.SpawnedMatlab} graceful exit of slave session 02_slave_3 timed out, attempting to kill
{obs.util.SpawnedMatlab} empty process ID, no idea about what to kill
{obs.util.Messenger} 02_slave_4.Messenger timed out waiting for a reply to "true"
{obs.util.SpawnedMatlab} graceful exit of slave session 02_slave_4 timed out, attempting to kill
{obs.util.SpawnedMatlab} empty process ID, no idea about what to kill
>> instrfind

ans =

EastEriq commented 2 years ago

solved by https://github.com/EastEriq/LAST_Messaging/commit/90830c80f634ec2ad37a191f583128f984546ecd

EastEriq commented 2 years ago

and https://github.com/EastEriq/LAST_Messaging/commit/4f09b4610d79638679524bf3bdc8ae7682caca63. Closing