PolishookDavid / LAST_OCS

Code controling the LAST project Observatory
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'obs.mount.goToTarget2' should replace everywhere `obs.mount.goToTarget` #20

Closed EastEriq closed 1 month ago

EastEriq commented 2 months ago

and be renamed goToTarget, phasing out the former one.

Currently goToTarget is still used in takeTwilightFlats, and I'm cautious about replacing it, because the behavior of the two functions is not the same in the absence of a pointing model.

Other obsolete functions using it, which shouldn't worry us:

EastEriq commented 1 month ago

moved the old goToTarget to @mount/obsolete/ and renamed autoritatively gotoTarget2 -> goToTarget everywhere. Happens what it happens.

EastEriq commented 1 month ago

I provisionally close this for the milestone, let's return on it if e.g. pointAndClickMove is not happy with it -- which is out of scope for the milestone. Old stuff has high chances to be unwieldy with gledmagicwater, anyway.