PolishookDavid / LAST_OCS

Code controling the LAST project Observatory
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the deprecated class `ImagePath` is used in various places, should be superseded by `FileNames` #9

Open EastEriq opened 7 months ago

EastEriq commented 7 months ago

+obs/@camera/private/constructFilename.m: IP=ImagePath; +obs/@camera/takeDarks.m: IP = ImagePath; +obs/@unitCS/private/constructFilename.m: IP=ImagePath; +obs/@unitCS/takeTwilightFlats.m: IP = ImagePath;

EastEriq commented 7 months ago

For these functions, a migration recipe (maybe trivial?) is needed for the following methods

.genFile .genPath .parseFileName

and properties

.Time .CropID .CCDID .ProjName .Filter .FieldID .Counter .BasePath .Type .Product .Level .FileType