Polkadex-Substrate / Polkadex-Open-Beta

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Trade history quantity wrong? (or possible refresh issue) #571

Open jaymansfield opened 11 months ago

jaymansfield commented 11 months ago

Placed a buy order for price 4.48 and quantity 3.0 DOT.

My order was only filled for 0.3 DOT which is correct based on open orders:


However, on the trade history screen for some reason it is showing the quantity of 0.1 DOT which is not correct it filled 0.3 DOT


funding wallet: esnbKSRnU1WKNgJewte4asokmCWwiKBL2HeVWS3NSYEiZfoYc


jaymansfield commented 11 months ago

Actually this might just be a UI issue. Just realized that trade history never seems to reload on it's own. Takes a hard refresh of the page for it to show new data