Polkadex-Substrate / Polkadex-Open-Beta

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Balance on OB is being rounded incorrectly. Transfer to trading wallet fails clicking MAX. #592

Open jaymansfield opened 8 months ago

jaymansfield commented 8 months ago

I have 0.00048936 iBTC. On the transfer page on the OB it is showing as 0.0005. I don't think you should be rounding this up.

When I click the max button and try to transfer to my trading account it uses the total 0.000499 iBTC which is greater then my balance and the transfer fails.

Balance on THEA:

Screen Shot 2023-11-09 at 10 39 24 AM

Transfer page balance:

Screen Shot 2023-11-09 at 10 39 32 AM

Error message using MAX button: image
