Polkadex-Substrate / Polkadex-Open-Beta

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Clicking tab on the password field should focus on repeat password field #596

Open nashidahmed opened 8 months ago

nashidahmed commented 8 months ago

By raising this issue, I agree to the terms and conditions presented by Polkadex here: Terms and Conditions


When the user is trying to sign up, once they type in their email address and they enter their password, clicking tab after that should focus on the "Repeat password" field. Instead, it focuses on the eye icon in the password field. This should be as simple as setting a tabIndex.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enter the email in the signup page. Click tab to go to the password field.
  2. Type a password and click tab.


Focus should now be on the repeat password field. Instead, it is on the eye icon of the password field.

Similar issues

There is a similar issue on the Signin page. After typing in the email, clicking tab will focus on the "Forgot Password?" field. Instead it should focus on the password field.

Sidenote: "Confirm password" may be more informative than "Repeat password" for the label name. The error validations could also be better.
