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Thea deposit not appearing in balances after backend update #627

Closed nashidahmed closed 4 months ago

nashidahmed commented 4 months ago

By raising this issue, I agree to the terms and conditions presented by Polkadex here:Terms and Conditions


I made a USDT deposit on Thea yesterday and today over 18 hours later, the deposit still does not appear in my account. The screenshot below shows my Thea transactions. The latest deposit does not appear in the transactions list but shows up in the recent transactions as can be confirmed from the timestamp. Screenshot_20240214-080544

The balance is not updated in the orderbook either (I have checked both the orderbook link and the internal orderbook link)


nuel77 commented 4 months ago

Checking this

nuel77 commented 4 months ago

Can u confirm if the address shared is the one u used for deposit in assethub as well? i found a failed transfer from assethub 18 hours ago. linked here. Can u confirm if this is yours? If so you should still have your balance in assethub.

nashidahmed commented 4 months ago

Yes, that is the transaction. Looks like the XCM transfer failed but the transfer from my wallet was successful on asset hub as seen here. You can check the sender and see there is no USDT left in it on asset hub and the first transfer is successful from my wallet. I see the tokens are here

Gauthamastro commented 4 months ago

Thanks for catching this issue and Its is resolved now, please check. There was a bug in Thea for propagating the message to mainnet. We have fixed it using two sudo txns,

  1. https://polkadex-parachain.subscan.io/extrinsic/0x8d92cb08eff14b3516ec6232696c2aa50f83a797bd2755ee0485bc83d57d37cb
  2. https://polkadex-parachain.subscan.io/extrinsic/0xc1503fa833d19d5d0cbf62a15bff1713c613fec5c27c845a1d83ac799d8f53dc
nashidahmed commented 4 months ago

Okay, thanks for your response and prompt action. So I shouldn't face this issue if I deposit again right?