Polkadex-Substrate / Polkadex-Open-Beta

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Hestia - click function on Balances button does not cover the entire button #641

Open nashidahmed opened 3 months ago

nashidahmed commented 3 months ago

By raising this issue, I agree to the terms and conditions presented by Polkadex here:Terms and Conditions


The click function on the balances button is only present on the icon. If you click outside the icon (but still in the button), it does not work. This isn't an issue with the other buttons (History and notifications)

As seen here, I first click the history button (outside the icon but within the button div) and it woks fine. Then when I do the same for balances, it doesn't work until I actually click the icon.


Furthermore, please add a tooltip for the notifications button similar to the balances and history buttons.
