Polkadex-Substrate / polkadexTEE-worker

Polkadex Off-chain Orderbook
Apache License 2.0
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Account does not seem to be registered on this pallet #279

Open zktony opened 2 years ago

zktony commented 2 years ago

Getting this error while running client :-

[2021-09-08T09:32:39Z ERROR substratee_client] Account does not seem to be registered on this pallet
Onchain balance of //Bob in btc: 0.0
[2021-09-08T09:32:39Z ERROR substratee_stf::commands::common_args_processing] token_id 5th encoded "usd"
[2021-09-08T09:32:39Z ERROR substratee_client] Account does not seem to be registered on this pallet
Onchain balance of //Bob in usd: 0.0

Though worker is not Panicking

haerdib commented 2 years ago

Could you provide some more background information? What's the precondition? Is there anything stored in the bin folder? Are you running a specific client command?