Polkas / pacs

Supplementary R packages utils
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Find exported functions usage #30

Open Polkas opened 8 months ago

Polkas commented 8 months ago

Example code:

# Improved function to get only exported functions from a package
get_exported_functions <- function(package_name) {
  exported_objects <- getNamespaceExports(package_name)
  exported_functions <- exported_objects[sapply(exported_objects, function(name) {
    is.function(get(name, envir = asNamespace(package_name)))

# Function to recursively list all files in a directory remains unchanged
list_files_recursively <- function(path) {
  all_files <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)

# Improved function to search for a regex pattern in files
search_pattern_in_files <- function(files, patterns) {
  results <- list()
  # Compile a single regex pattern from all patterns for efficiency
  compiled_pattern <- paste0("\\b(", paste(patterns, collapse = "|"), ")\\b\\s*\\(")

  for (file_path in files) {
    # Process only R and Rmd files
    if (grepl("\\.R$", file_path) || grepl("\\.Rmd$", file_path)) {
        content <- readLines(file_path, warn = FALSE)
        for (i in seq_along(content)) {
          if (grepl(compiled_pattern, content[i], perl = TRUE)) {
            matched_function <- regmatches(content[i], regexpr(compiled_pattern, content[i]))
            results[[length(results) + 1]] <- list(file = file_path, line = i, text = content[i], pattern = matched_function)
      }, error = function(e) {
        message(sprintf("Error reading %s: %s", file_path, e$message))

# Main execution function remains conceptually the same but with improved internal logic
search_for_exported_functions_usage <- function(package_name, directories) {
  exported_functions <- get_exported_functions(package_name)
  all_files <- unlist(lapply(directories, list_files_recursively))
  search_results <- search_pattern_in_files(all_files, exported_functions)

  if (length(search_results) > 0) {
    for (result in search_results) {
      cat(sprintf("File: %s, Line: %d, Pattern: %s, Text: %s\n", result$file, result$line, result$pattern, result$text))
  } else {
    cat("No matches found.\n")

# Define directories to search and execute the search
directories <- c("R", "vignettes", "tests/testthat")
search_for_exported_functions_usage("dplyr", directories)