PollyNET / Pollynet_Processing_Chain

NRT lidar data processing program for multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar network (PollyNET)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bugfixes of wrong assiged aerosol backscatter in in-complete overlap zone #244

Closed ZPYin closed 6 months ago

ZPYin commented 6 months ago

bugfixes: wrong assigned value Bug Description

As noticed by Adi, wrong aerosol backscatter values were assigned in in-complete overlap zone. See code here and code snippet below:

    aExt355 = aerExt355_klett(iGrp, :);
    aExt355(1:hIndBase) = aerExt355_klett(hIndBase);

Here, aerExt355_klett is 2-D matrix (height x time). This copy operation will only fill the aerosol backscatter with values from the first profile. This bug can introduce some error in the lidar calibration constant, depending on the aerosol variations over time.

Bug fixes

I have corrected the code as below,

    aExt355 = aerExt355_klett(iGrp, :);
    aExt355(1:hIndBase) = aerExt355_klett(iGrp, hIndBase);

This fix has been applied all over the main function of picassoProcV3.