PollyNET / Pollynet_Processing_Chain

NRT lidar data processing program for multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar network (PollyNET)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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guidelines how to install sql lite #42

Closed HolgerPollyNet closed 4 years ago

HolgerPollyNet commented 4 years ago

just install ?

ZPYin commented 4 years ago

You don't need to install anything for accessing SQLite, because I attached a java SQLite driver along with Picasso. This can help Picasso to read/write SQLite DB.

But maybe a GUI for SQLite is convenient for checking the DB file, manually. Most mainstream SQL GUI supports SQLite. But if you don't have such one, I would recommend a free software –– SQLite studio.

ZPYin commented 4 years ago

Error for using the JDBC

[2020-04-22 11:53:24] Start to save calibration results.
Error using database.jdbc.connection/set (line 14)
Invalid connection.

Error in save_depolconst (line 31)
set(conn, 'AutoCommit', 'off');

Error in pollynet_processing_chain_pollyxt_tropos (line 330)
    save_depolconst(dbFile, ...

Error in pollynet_processing_chain_main (line 197)
    [reportTmp] = eval(sprintf('%s(taskInfo, pollyConfig);', ...

and before warning:
Water vapor measurements were performed during daytime during 20200412 05:00 to 05:59.
Warning: No suitable driver found for
> In load_wvconst (line 106)
  In select_wvconst (line 101)
  In pollynet_processing_chain_pollyxt_tropos (line 252)
  In pollynet_processing_chain_main (line 197) 
ZPYin commented 4 years ago

Did you restart the MATLAB after the first run of the latest commit?

This problem seems to be related with the failure of importing SQLite JDBC (java database connector).

The script of addSQLiteDriver.m will add the to the MATLAB JAVA search path in the first run automatically, but it requires to restart MATLAB to make MATLAB initialized with the SQLite JDBC.

There should be a prompt-up message for that, maybe you neglected it.

Restart the MATLAB and run Picasso again.

If there is still error, please send me together with the log file. Then I can try to debug it.