PollyNET / Pollynet_Processing_Chain

NRT lidar data processing program for multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar network (PollyNET)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Overlap corrected products #49

Closed HolgerPollyNet closed 4 years ago

HolgerPollyNet commented 4 years ago

Hi I had a look at the OC output of PXT_TROPOS and i realized that the extinction looked very strange, while the extinction separately of NF and FR look good. For example 2020_04_12_Sun_TROPOS_00_00_01_0000_0059_Ext_Raman_NR


Digging into the code I found in pollyxt_overlap.m the following lines e.g. 243-244: data.signal387OverlapCor = squeeze(data.signal(config.isFR & config.is387nm, :, :)) ./ repmat(overlap355Sm, 1, size(data.signal, 3)); data.bg387OverlapCor = squeeze(data.bg(config.isFR & config.is387nm, :, :)) ./ repmat(overlap355Sm, 1, size(data.signal, 3));

Interpreting these lines it look to me that you do an overlap correction for the raw signal (dead time corrected) and for the background (which is supposed to be constant). As the overlap correction can only be applied on background corrected profiles, I understand why you do this. Performing the overlap correction separately it bridges somehow this issue in many follow on functions and prevents for major code changes, right?

But do you think it could be possible that this causes problems in the near range where the overlap is well below 1 and the background is a small number?

At least there must be a reason for the overestimation of the extinction…

ZPYin commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. Please see my answers below:

Interpreting these lines it look to me that you do an overlap correction for the raw signal (dead time corrected) and for the background (which is supposed to be constant).

data.signal is background-substracted and deadtime-corrected signal. Instead, data.rawSignal is actually what you meant. Meanwhile, background signal didn't play a role in Raman retrievals as long as the signal was background-substracted. So the issue should not be caused by the lines you refered to.

The reason why I designed the background signal in this way is the thinking that this might be useful for taking into account the influence of overlap correction in error analysis. Because the constant background is already in data structure, there is no need to do the same calculations here.

I just have a quick investigation into this by looking at the results of overlap-corrected signal @ 387 nm with calculated overlap function from 355 nm (This is the way used in the auto overlap correction scheme). But, the result seems not very good at near surface (< 300 m) (see figure below). There might be two reasons for this:

  1. different overlap function at 355 nm and 387 nm
  2. not perfect deadtime correction for near-range signal @ 355 nm (less likely).

signal 355 nm image

signal 387 nm image

signal 387 nm (but for PollyXT-TJK) image

PS: On the contrary, overlap correction at 607 nm looks better image

So, the solution would be using separate overlap functions for 355 and 387 nm (the same for 532 and 607 nm). What do you think?

HolgerPollyNet commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the response. I comletely agree, if we use the near-field-far-field overlap correction mode, the we should use sepate function for the elastic and raman channels! I hope this is the reason!

Let me see if this is easy to implement. Best and take care

HolgerPollyNet commented 4 years ago

I included now this in the poverlap module, but obviously it does not work well.: 2020_04_12_Sun_TROPOS_00_00_01_0000_0059_OC_Ext_Raman

Do you have the time for a quick check? I pushed it to holger.

ZPYin commented 4 years ago

I also have a similar result. This is caused by the signal gluing, because Raman extinction retrieval is very sensitive to signal distortion.

Right now, I'm trying to implement a similar signal gluing in SCC. Hope this can work.

ZPYin commented 4 years ago

I take the weighted-mean of far-range and near-range signal to build a merged signal, similar to the algorithm described in sect 2.3 (EARLINET Single Calculus Chain – technical – Part 1), but without the slope test.

Seems it works to some degree.

See the new overlap corrected extinction for the same case as below:


But signal @ 607 nm is noiser than 387 nm, which leads to the strange behavior at the gluing range (700 - 1000 m).