PollyNET / Pollynet_Processing_Chain

NRT lidar data processing program for multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar network (PollyNET)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to Licence the PollyNET output #95

Closed HolgerPollyNet closed 3 years ago

HolgerPollyNet commented 3 years ago

Moritz: I've just checked global attributes of the netcdf files from the lidar products of the Max Planck Institute. There, a copyright statement is included "The copyright for these data is with the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie, Hamburg. Any use is subject to written consent of the copyright owner." Do we need anything similar? Furthermore, I found "DetectionMode = "Photoncounting". All Pollies work in photocounting mode, but maybe it could be mentioned.

TROPOS: Authorship and rights of use The author of the research data can restrict its use and exploitation. The research data of TROPOS should be made available to third party users, whereby in this context a contribution to the scientific reputation of the author at TROPOS can also be made. In order to ensure a high usability of the research data and to promote the reputation of the author, the research data of TROPOS should be labelled with the Creative Commons licence CC-BY SA 3.0, which • allows the free use of the research data also for commercial purposes, • users agree to cite the authors of the research data and • allows the publication of user-generated derivatives of this research data only under the same licence conditions. Research data may be labelled with a different licence if the research data was collected in the context of a scientific project and this licence has been agreed.

Holger: How do the other (institutes) think? Any problem using CC-BY SA licence?

HolgerPollyNet commented 3 years ago

I added now Licence CC-BY-SA 4.0 in the netcdf and the PollyNET data policy as on the website. Nevertheless, I realized, it would be good to have the PI Name in the locals configs, so that this can be stored in the netcdf as well.

ZPYin commented 3 years ago

It has been implemented in Picasso v3.0.

The information of PI and data originator can be configured in polly configuration file (see example below):

    "PI": "Holger Baars",
    "PI_affiliation": "",
    "PI_affiliation_acronym": "TROPOS",
    "PI_address": "",
    "PI_phone": "",
    "PI_email": "",
    "Data_Originator": "",
    "Data_Originator_affiliation": "",
    "Data_Originator_affiliation_acronym": "",
    "Data_Originator_address": "",
    "Data_Originator_phone": "",
    "Data_Originator_email": "",
    "comment": "",