Poltergeist-HA / Artnet-Node

Cheap Arduino based ArtNet Node
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not work with ethernet shield #1

Open XproMichael opened 5 years ago

XproMichael commented 5 years ago

hello man thanks for your great job and I was try your code and it download to my nano, used w5100 ethernet shield, but it does't work. can not connect to the computer.

I was try merino.toni one by 0023, it work, even I add a web server for ip config it also work. I want to try your code and it was complied by 1.06, and was add you Arduino-core also. it was complied and being uploaded, but it not working, nothing was show when I connected to computer as merino.toni one

could you help me man, don't know what's wrong happened, and sorry to trouble you, and for my terrible English, just start to learn Arduino, not much ecperince

Julusian commented 5 years ago


It turned out I had some changes I had not pushed to github. Try again with the latest version.

The old version was written for using an ENC28J60 network chip, rather than the W5100. But the new version uses a W5100, so hopefully you will have more luck with this version