PolyChord / PolyChordLite

Public version of PolyChord: See polychord.co.uk for PolyChordPro
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Feature Request: A congruent settings interface #47

Open appetrosyan opened 4 years ago

appetrosyan commented 4 years ago

Right now there are no reasons why the settings file couldn't be a dictionary, so we can either extend the functionality of the settings file, or phase it out and move the logic into the function that actually uses it.

Proposal 1: Add functions that load the settings file from other formats, allow serialising and de-serialising in a consistent manner, as well as adding the option to add the prior quantile or the log-likelihood at the stage of creating the settings object.


Cons: It's bloat.

Proposal 2: Remove the settings object entirely. Instead, provide all the validation as part of keyword arguments of the run_polychord method. The settings object essentially reduces to a dictionary.


Cons: Duplicated error checking. More code in the run_polychord() function.