PolyMarsDev / Terri-Fried

A multi-platform C++ game made for Ludum Dare 46
200 stars 55 forks source link

Docker build support #9

Closed xackery closed 2 years ago

xackery commented 3 years ago

I'm not a huge fan of making dev environments on baremetal. So, I took an evening to try to port all platforms into a Dockerfile, and here's my results:

I kept my Dockerfile in the repo, but it's also prebuilt via xackery/terrifried (~2.1 GB) hosted at https://github.com/xackery/terrifried

to use, simply run make build-docker-all and it will output all built files into the /bin dir

I had to edit a couple Makefile entries mainly due to hard coded paths, including raylib not seeming to support mingw32 out of box.

Also the referred to https://github.com/xackery/grrlib had hard coded C:\GRRLIB paths, so I removed those lines in my fork and refer to it for this.

Side notes: was debating adding a vscode dev container as a possible future feature.

xackery commented 3 years ago

output binaries, btw:

Screen Shot 2020-09-02 at 12 25 44 AM
mandar1jn commented 2 years ago

There is one already that supports more platforms and just runs on a github workflow https://github.com/PolyMarsDev/Terri-Fried/pull/20

FibreFoX commented 2 years ago

There is one already that supports more platforms and just runs on a github workflow #20

@mandar1jn Github workflow is no replacement for local Docker support.

xackery commented 2 years ago

There is one already that supports more platforms and just runs on a github workflow #20

"already" makes it sound like the github workflow PR was done before this one. They're entirely differently implementations and methods of compiling. I did this PR originally sept 2 2020. The github workflow was aug 3, 2021.

Closing since PolyMarsDev seems to have abandoned this project.