Open SergeStinckwich opened 6 years ago
Hello! We could create some demos during the meetings of PharoClub. This would be a good educational exercise. But could you show some examples of how these demos should look like? Maybe the links to the existing ones?
Demo about Pi computation
| a b c k pi oldpi oldExpo expo nBits str |
nBits := 10.
a := PMArbitraryPrecisionFloat one asArbitraryPrecisionFloatNumBits: nBits + 16.
b := (a timesTwoPower: 1) sqrt reciprocal.
c := a timesTwoPower: -1.
k := 1.
oldpi := Float pi.
oldExpo := 2.
[| am gm a2 |
am := a + b timesTwoPower: -1.
gm := (a * b) sqrt.
a := am.
b := gm.
a2 := a squared.
c inPlaceSubtract: (a2 - b squared timesTwoPower: k).
pi := (a2 timesTwoPower: 1) / c.
expo := (oldpi - pi) exponent.
expo isZero or: [expo > oldExpo or: [expo < (-1 - nBits)]]]
[oldpi := pi.
oldExpo := expo.
k := k + 1].
pi asArbitraryPrecisionFloatNumBits: nBits.
str := (String new: 32) writeStream.
pi absPrintExactlyOn: str base: 10.
str contents
Lorentz Attractor
|solver ds stepper system dt sigma r b state values diag|
sigma := 10.0.
r := 28.
b := 8.0/3.0.
dt := 0.01.
system := PMExplicitSystem
block:[:x :t| |c |
c := Array new:3.
c at: 1 put: sigma * ((x at: 2) - (x at: 1)).
c at: 2 put: r* (x at: 1) - (x at: 2) - ((x at:1) * (x at:3)).
c at: 3 put: (b negated * (x at: 3) + ((x at:1) * (x at:2))).
stepper := PMRungeKuttaStepper onSystem: system.
solver := (PMExplicitSolver new) stepper: stepper; system: system; dt: dt.
state := #(10.0 10.0 10.0).
values := (0.0 to:100.0 by: dt) collect: [ :t |
state := stepper doStep: state time: t stepSize: dt].
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTData new.
ds dotShape ellipse size: 1; color: (Color red alpha: 0.3).
points: values;
x: [:v | [v at: 1] on: Exception do: [ 0.0]];
y: [:v | [v at: 2] on: Exception do: [ 0.0]].
b add: ds.
How about these:
polynomial := PMPolynomial coefficients: #(1 1 1 1).
grapher := RTGrapher new.
points := (-4 to: 4 by: 0.1).
[ polynomial degree >= 0] whileTrue: [
ds := RTData new.
ds noDot.
ds label: (polynomial asString).
ds points: points.
ds y: polynomial.
ds x: #yourself.
ds connectColor: (Color random).
grapher add: ds.
polynomial := polynomial derivative.
grapher legend addText: 'Legend'.
grapher build.
(RTSVGExporter) exportViewAsSVG: (grapher view) filename: 'Successive Derivatives.svg'.
polynomial := PMPolynomial coefficients: #(1 1 1 1).
grapher := RTGrapher new.
points := (-4 to: 4 by: 0.01).
maxDegree := 8.
[ polynomial degree <= maxDegree] whileTrue: [
ds := RTData new.
ds noDot.
ds label: (polynomial asString).
ds points: points.
ds y: polynomial.
ds x: #yourself.
ds connectColor: (Color random).
grapher add: ds.
polynomial := polynomial integral.
grapher legend addText: 'Legend'.
grapher build.
(RTSVGExporter) exportViewAsSVG: (grapher view) filename: 'Successive Integrals.svg'.
Maybe the implementation of the Batman equation could be a nice demo:
I would like to prepare a demo on Automatic-Differentiation
Rumple Polynoms with Fractions
f := [ :x :y |
(((1335/4) - (x raisedTo: 2)) * (y raisedTo:6)) + ((x raisedTo: 2)*
((11 * (x raisedTo: 2)* (y raisedTo: 2)) - (121/1*(y raisedTo: 4)) - 2)) + ((11/2) * (y raisedTo: 8)) + (x/(2*y)) ].
f value: 77617/1 value: 33096/1.
(-54767/66192) asFloat.
Has anyone worked on a quaternion estimator demo?
What kind of nice demos we can do with PM 1.0 ?
At the moment, we have the following ones :