PolyVinalDistillate / NSDSPI

Nick's DMA enabled SD Card interface for the PSoC 5 incorporating FatFS ((C)ChaN, 2015)
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FatFS Initialization unsuccessful #2

Closed karthik-k-bhat closed 4 years ago

karthik-k-bhat commented 4 years ago

Hey Nick!

I found your project through Cypress Community and StackOverflow answers. This is exactly what I needed for my project as well.

However, I am facing an issue with the FATFS initialization (i.e., with the disk_initialization() function). The function is returning 0x01, which means "STA_NOINIT" flag is set. And also, all the following functions are also returning an error. Can you help me out?

Thanks in advance! Karthik Bhat

PolyVinalDistillate commented 4 years ago

Been quite some time sincve I looked at this! But I'm assuming you have corrected your problem? Cheers, Nick.