Polyconseil / aioamqp

AMQP implementation using asyncio
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Heartbeat improvements #165

Closed gescheit closed 2 years ago

gescheit commented 6 years ago

This is the part of #162

dzen commented 6 years ago

Thanks for splitting your PR ! that's easiest to read ! We will take a moment this PM to read your changes and understand what you're trying to resolve with this code.

gescheit commented 5 years ago

Any news on this patch?

dzen commented 5 years ago

We discussed your PR with @RemiCardona without giving you some inputs. did you manage to get some performaces tests on what is consuming CPU or what's slow on aioamqp ? To be honest I do not have a clear sights on the multiple changes you're proposing and why :)

gescheit commented 5 years ago

The goal of this changes is performance optimization. If program makes expensive actions especially in function which frequently called then this program works slowly. If you look at the patch you will see that _heartbeat_timer_recv_reset() did a expensive job with rescheduling of _heartbeat_timer_recv_timeout() task. And this work was done in every data_received() call. So this is all theory, what about practise? Test program:

import asyncio
import sys
import aioamqp

END = b"end"
END_EVENT = asyncio.Event()
EXCHANGE = "test"
QUEUE_NAME = "test"

async def callback(channel, body, envelope, properties):
    if body == END:

async def test():
    transport, protocol = await aioamqp.connect()
    channel = await protocol.channel()
    await channel.queue(queue_name=QUEUE_NAME, exclusive=True)
    await channel.queue_bind(exchange_name=EXCHANGE, queue_name=QUEUE_NAME, routing_key="hello")
    await channel.basic_consume(callback, queue_name=QUEUE_NAME)

    for i in range(100000):
        await channel.basic_publish(payload=b"-", exchange_name=EXCHANGE, routing_key="hello")
    await channel.basic_publish(payload=END, exchange_name=EXCHANGE, routing_key="hello")
    await END_EVENT.wait()
    await channel.close()
    await protocol.close()


Let is run under cProfile.

         35628272 function calls (35627377 primitive calls) in 30.008 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
    101/1    0.009    0.000   30.008   30.008 {built-in method builtins.exec}
   300014    0.538    0.000    6.759    0.000 protocol.py:379(_heartbeat_timer_send_reset)
   300061    0.447    0.000    5.362    0.000 base_events.py:446(call_later)
   300061    0.871    0.000    4.685    0.000 base_events.py:467(call_at)

As you can see, call_later() took 5 second out of 30. My patch changes _heartbeat_timer_send_reset() content to one call - self._heartbeat_last_send = int(time()). And this call is executed in a jiff. cProfile outputs in my branch:

         27840145 function calls (27839250 primitive calls) in 22.954 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
    101/1    0.010    0.000   22.955   22.955 {built-in method builtins.exec}
   300014    0.290    0.000    0.356    0.000 protocol.py:195(_heartbeat_timer_send_reset)

Does this convince you?

gescheit commented 5 years ago


gescheit commented 5 years ago


gescheit commented 5 years ago

@RemiCardona ping

dzen commented 5 years ago

Sorry @gescheit,

I was off the past month. I'll look into it next week.

gescheit commented 5 years ago

I rebased changes with master.

gescheit commented 5 years ago


dzen commented 5 years ago

hi @gescheit

I'm currently reviewing this PR. would you please squash and rebase you commits ?

dzen commented 5 years ago

hi @gescheit.

Your PR is greatly appreciated, it improves the performance and helps fixing the heartbeat sent to the server but I've got a few critics :

gescheit commented 5 years ago

I've rebased to master. Fixing bugs is my forte, not writing a verbose commit message. Can you please help with comment?

gescheit commented 5 years ago


gescheit commented 4 years ago


gescheit commented 4 years ago

@dzen ping.

gescheit commented 4 years ago

2 years has passed

RemiCardona commented 2 years ago

Closing in favor of #234.