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AMQP implementation using asyncio
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channel.basic_consume API docs #195

Open jpVm5jYYRE1VIKL opened 5 years ago

jpVm5jYYRE1VIKL commented 5 years ago

Documentation does not include all parameters description for basic_consume API method. It is also also not documented return values from some methods. Documentation in general look like chaotic and not complete. To get information need constantly to look in library sources.

RemiCardona commented 5 years ago

then a PR to improve things would be very much appreciated. Feel free to pitch in, however little, and we'll look at it.

jpVm5jYYRE1VIKL commented 5 years ago

I am not sure that i understood properly what you told . For example i try to get information from this document: https://aioamqp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html

For example article Starting a connection start from description aioamqp.connect method. It is almost everything ok with it. But information what are returning values from this method possible to get only from included example. But not from structural text. Next example : Article Consuming messages very very small . It have description about callback function. And small example with usage method channel.basic_consume() . channel.basic_consume itself not described anywhere.

Description method Channel.queue_declare all fine with it except that this method return result. But not described what kind result. Basically returned values not documented anywhere except some places in examples.

method channel.basic_qos not described at all. Basically i sugest to move current article https://aioamqp.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html. To examples article. And to make bit another struct for API document. left folder API , subfolder "Classname" instead of folders "Starting connection", "Basics" etc.

PS: Also exist very important question which quite often omitted in docs. For example Is it try to restore connection after disconnect from rabbitmq. how many retries it doing if it doing. What property is responsible for it. How to catch such conditions. In current documentation written only about condition that client cannot connect to rabbitmq. And such type of exceptions is really far from real practice. What about if connection lost for already alive connection. This question is much more important and have to be described in docs.

I also will be happy to commit such changes . But my English is an awful. So most probably for native English speaker it will me much more easy to do. I also want to say that good and clear documentation is really important for project popularity.