Polyconseil / aioamqp

AMQP implementation using asyncio
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Check connection is open #202

Open ikrivosheev opened 5 years ago

ikrivosheev commented 5 years ago

Sometimes, i see in logs error: type=<class 'AttributeError'>, error='NoneType' object has no attribute 'drain' after channel.basic_publish. It is vary hard for reproduce.

RemiCardona commented 5 years ago

which version of python are you using? maybe there's been a change in the standard library

ikrivosheev commented 5 years ago

python 3.7. Issue is open in python bag-tracker. Update library to new version - does not help.

ikrivosheev commented 5 years ago

You are planning to merge?

dzen commented 5 years ago

Hello @ikrivosheev.

I'm not going to merge this: