Polyconseil / aioamqp

AMQP implementation using asyncio
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Publishing to a non-existing exchange does not raise errors #221

Open greatvovan opened 3 years ago

greatvovan commented 3 years ago

When publishing to a non-existing exchange the module does not raise any exceptions, but any subsequent operation on the channel will raise exceptions.

This code completes without problems, but will throw if uncommented:

import asyncio
import aioamqp

async def main():
    tr, pr = await aioamqp.from_url('amqp://log:pass@host')
    chan = await pr.channel()
    await chan.publish(b'ABC', 'no-such-exchange', '')
    # await chan.publish(b'ABC', 'no-such-exchange', '')
    # await chan.close()
    await asyncio.sleep(1.0)


Expected: an exception is raised at the moment of problem operation.

aioamqp==0.14.0 Python 3.8.0

dzen commented 3 years ago

Hi @greatvovan

it's because of AMQP design : the publish does not raises any error, but any operations fails thereafter
