Polyconseil / aioamqp

AMQP implementation using asyncio
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RPC: How to nest calls? #87

Closed timofurrer closed 5 years ago

timofurrer commented 8 years ago

Going from the RPC example ... Let's assume I want to call my caller again in the on_request callback and wait for the response. How can I achieve this without a deadlock?

dzen commented 8 years ago

Yes this is currently our main design problem. Using callback to process messages from RabbitMQ was not a good choice. We're looking into it to find a better API.

timofurrer commented 8 years ago

Okay, thanks! I could solve this issue for know with opening multiple connection and having multiple channels.

lumasepa commented 7 years ago

Hi, as this isn't moving forward and I'm interested in a solution (for now I'm solving this at application level), I want to propose an API for message consumption. I don't know the code base of the library so I don't know if it is difficult to implement but I think that this API is cleaner and better.

The first thing is the external API, it would be nice to have an async iterator for consuming messages, something like:

consumer = await  channel.basic_consume(

async for message in consumer:
     # do whatever with the message

# message can be a Message object that contains as attributes the tuple of
# "channel, body, envelope, properties" that now is passed to 
# the callback or directly return that as a tuple, so it will be 

async for channel, body, envelope, properties in consumer:
     # do whatever with the message

The consumer returned by channel.basic_consume should be a Consumer object implementing the async iterator protocol that polls from a asyncio.Queue that have the messages inside, that queue should be populated by another asyncio.Task that would be the method that consumes from the RabbitMQ and dispatch the message to the correct asyncio.Queue. At the end you have a asyncio.Task per channel getting messages and dispatching them to queues for consumers so the consumer Task of the library is separated from the Tasks of the user of the library.

I think that most of the changes goes in channel.basic_consume and channel.basic_deliver also the channel.consumer_callbacks attribute should be changed to channel.consumer_queues

I think that if you guys at Polyconseil agree, and is not too difficult to implement, I can implement that.