PolyglotSymposium / void

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Use F# in Void.UI? #21

Closed Kazark closed 4 years ago

Kazark commented 9 years ago

I saw something recently that made me think you could write in F# when working with WinForms. If that is true, is there any value in rewriting Void.UI in F#?

Kazark commented 9 years ago

There is definitely an annoying impedance mismatch between assemblies because of the C#/F# thing. If we could go pure F#, that would be nice.

Kazark commented 9 years ago

@mjgpy3 I know you mentioned you might be interested in this. Just wanted to let you know there was an issue in for it already. Feel free to assign yourself.

Kazark commented 9 years ago

The UI is enough in flux that this is probably not worth spending time on early. I'm moving it out.