PolyhedralDev / TerraOverworldConfig

Overworld config pack for Terra
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Monster Room (Dungeon) Generation ? #155

Open cellophane303 opened 7 months ago

cellophane303 commented 7 months ago

Does Terra affect Monster Room generation? I've started two worlds and even after flying around in spectator I haven't found any monster rooms. Looking at a typical seed in Chunkbase they are pretty common, so I find it odd that there aren't any generated in Terra. I've tried this in 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 and haven't found nay spawners, other than the cave spider spawners in mineshafts.

Astrashh commented 7 months ago

Those generate differently to vanilla structures we provide compatibility for (they generate as features rather than structures), meaning they should be implemented at the config pack level. Unfortunately they have not been added to the default Overworld config pack yet, this issue would be more relevant to https://github.com/PolyhedralDev/TerraOverworldConfig

Sancires commented 7 months ago

To be added in 2.0 @DeathShadez has a version of these to be added.

cellophane303 commented 7 months ago

Thanks =)

Sancires commented 6 months ago

PR is currently open and will be merged.