PolymathNetwork / polymesh-settlement-module

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Receipts #2

Open adamdossa opened 4 years ago

adamdossa commented 4 years ago

@maxsam4 I took another review of the test cases - really useful to see those!

On the claim receipt logic I think we're still thinking about it in different ways based on: https://github.com/PolymathNetwork/polymesh-settlement-module/blob/bd2f2a3248d4530509b8223df69644c1467107be/src/tests.rs#L428

My thinking is that sometimes a leg will be settled off-chain, rather than on-chain. In that case, rather than locking the asset (and then moving it when the instruction settles), instead when authorising an instruction, a counterparty can provide a receipt showing that they have made the appropriate transfer off-chain instead.

So the API would be something like the below (but with better data structures):

            legs_being_authorised_with_receipts: Vec<u32>
            receipts: Vec<Receipt>

This should then check:

Provided those pass, then Alice's authorisation is valid, but no assets are locked for legs_being_authorised_with_receipts and on instruction execution, the receipt is just marked as "Used" and no actual assets are transferred.

To make this work properly I suspect we may need to reserve tickers for fiat currencies, so that they can be referenced in a leg, even though they don't really exist as assets in Polymesh. If we do this, we could add the following checks:

IIUC the current functionality with receipts is a bit different - it allows a user to first authorise an instruction (with all assets being locked) and then submit a claim receipt which unlocks the assets, but still allows the instruction to be executed.

maxsam4 commented 4 years ago

@adamdossa I recently added authorize_with_receipt function that covers the single-step authorize and claim receipt functionality. There's no test case for it right now and it only accepts a single receipt. I'll fix both those things soon.

Re. the additional "fiat tickers" checks you mentioned, I guess we can add them but I don't really see the need. As long as those tickers are reserved and nobody has their balance onchain, all instructions referencing them without receipts will fail execution anyway.