It seems to start fine but apparently doesn't satisfy the Dyno on binding to the port. Here's the output:
Serving files from "/app/build".
Detected push manifest "prod-new/push-manifest.json".
Detected push manifest "prod-old/push-manifest.json".
Detected push manifest "fallback/push-manifest.json".
Registered entrypoint "prod-new/index.html" with capabilities [es2015,push].
Registered entrypoint "prod-old/index.html" with capabilities [es2015].
Registered entrypoint "fallback/index.html" with capabilities [].
[35;1mprpl-server[0m listening
Error R10 (Boot timeout) -> Web process failed to bind to $PORT within 60 seconds of launch
Stopping process with SIGKILL
Process exited with status 137
State changed from starting to crashed
State changed from crashed to starting
I'm trying to serve an app from Heroku using locally installed prpl-server:
It seems to start fine but apparently doesn't satisfy the Dyno on binding to the port. Here's the output: