Polymer / shop

The Shop app
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Mobile browser address bar doesn't hide/collapse #139

Closed Royedc4 closed 7 years ago

Royedc4 commented 7 years ago

Hey, Polymer Community, I found an error over the browser behaviour of hiding/collapsing address bar. It works when you land into the app, but this behaviour stops working after navigating to another page, as described next:



Expected Behaviour




In terms of space, my app requires the browser to use this normal behaviour of hiding the address bar. I could force this behaviour by reloading the page but this affects the PWA perception.

Maybe the issue is related to app-header-layout and iron-pages, I've tested in various ways and I notice that this behaviour it's present when using them.

Any comments or ideas may be helpful, as debugging in iOS is not straightforward Thanks!

frankiefu commented 7 years ago

I am seeing the issue in other PWA's like those demo apps in https://hnpwa.com/ This seems like a bug in Chrome on iOS: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=751664