PolymerElements / app-layout

App layout elements
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Changing "narrow" of app-drawer-layout in Polymer 3 #542

Closed EliArtist closed 6 years ago

EliArtist commented 6 years ago

When changing responsive-width or force-narrow dynamically with data bindings the layout won't rerender properly. So when switching from wide layout to narrow layout, the app-header stays "narrow", so at the upper left there is a gap. Calling notifyResize or resetLayout is not doing anything. I'm currently using the Polymer 3 preview (pre12 at the moment) components.

keanulee commented 6 years ago

Wasn't able to reproduce this with polymer-starter-kit#3.0-preview after updating to pre.12 dependencies - switching between wide/narrow layout works, and adding responsive-width and force-narrow bindings from my-app to app-drawer-layout seems to works. Repro needed for further debugging.