PolymerElements / app-layout

App layout elements
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How to block parent scroll #553

Closed ebatgerel closed 6 years ago

ebatgerel commented 6 years ago


I have a problem with preventing of parent scroll. How can prevent parent scroll ?

Expected outcome

Menu appears parent container should block scroll itself.

Actual outcome

Menu appears parent container scroll working.

Live Demo

Steps to reproduce

Browsers Affected

keanulee commented 6 years ago

app-drawer sets overflow on <body> to 'hidden' to block its scrolling. https://github.com/PolymerElements/app-layout/blob/16cdc630ef98e165bfe7ac2b6010da20132deda8/app-drawer/app-drawer.html#L540 You can do something similar if you're using your own element scroller for main content.

ebatgerel commented 6 years ago

Sorry, I asked wrong question. How to prevent parent scroll on mobile device.

keanulee commented 6 years ago

I don't understand your question.

ebatgerel commented 6 years ago

When i see my app on mobile device and i open the navigation and body scrolling works. How to prevent body scroll when app-drawer opened ?