PolymerElements / app-layout

App layout elements
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Cannot read property 'opened' of undefined #554

Closed ebatgerel closed 6 years ago

ebatgerel commented 6 years ago


When i use the app-layout throws error to console. But it works good before.

Here is my html structure

<app-drawer slot="drawer" swipe-open id="left">
         <div id="dashboard" on-click="selectDashboard">Dashboard</div>
         <div id="users" on-click="selectUsers">Users</div>
         <div id="categoryTree"></div>
onLayoutChange(wide) {
            let drawer = this.$.drawer;
            if (wide && drawer.opened) {
                drawer.opened = false;


Expected outcome

Should work

Actual outcome

Cannot read property 'opened' of undefined

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keanulee commented 6 years ago

<app-drawer slot="drawer" swipe-open id="left"> means drawer = this.$.left; ($ node finding maps to element id).