PolymerElements / iron-ajax

Easily make ajax requests
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Add JWT token to headers for every request #209

Closed wilmveel closed 8 years ago

wilmveel commented 8 years ago

For a project we have to send a JWT token in the header for every ajax request to the API. What is the best practice for iron-ajax to decorate ajax calls with extra headers?

CaptainCodeman commented 8 years ago

Hi @wilmveel

I've reached the same point in my Polymer experience ... what I'm doing is extending <iron-ajax> so I end up with my own <auth-ajax> element which has the exact same API but will handle adding the JWT access token and performing any token refresh when necessary.

This hooks into other elements modelled off <google-signin> to handle the interaction with the auth server, signing in, auth status, connecting oauth accounts and so on (where JWT tokens are issued by my own auth server so I can include roles and other things).

It seems to be working well enough and the right approach as far as I can tell.

e111077 commented 8 years ago

If it is possible for you to assign the token to a value, a way this can be to use a computed property for the header so that you can simply set the values using the properties of the custom element.


  is: ...,

  properties: {
    alg: {
      type: String,
      val: ''

    typ: {
      type: String,
      val: ''

    headers: {
      type: Object,
      computed: '_computeHeaders(alg,typ,otherVariablesThatChange)'

  _computeHeaders: function (alg, typ, otherVariablesThatChange) {
    var outputHeaders = {};
    outputHeaders.staticHeader = 'whatever value this needs to be';
    if (alg && typ) {
      outputHeaders.alg = alg;
      outputHeaders.typ = typ;
    return outputHeaders;

Also, you can also use an observer:


  is: ...,

  properties: {
    alg: {
      type: String,
      val: ''

    typ: {
      type: String,
      val: ''

    headers: {
      type: Object

  observers: ['_generateHeadersAndRequest(alg, typ, otherVariablesThatChange)'],

  _generateHeadersAndRequest: function (alg, typ, otherVariablesThatChange) {
    var outputHeaders = {};
    outputHeaders.staticHeader = 'whatever value this needs to be';
    if (alg && typ) {
      outputHeaders.alg = alg;
      outputHeaders.typ = typ;

    this.headers = outputHeaders;

If you have any other questions like this, I highly recommend that you ask them on our Slack channel! There are lots of other committed developers on there and they will probably get to you faster than a github issue.