PolymerElements / iron-fit-behavior

Fits an element into another element
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Safari 11 doesn't fit paper-dialog #77

Open rubenstolk opened 7 years ago

rubenstolk commented 7 years ago

On iOS 11 a <paper-dialog> that normally would be centered automatically doesn't get centered and doesn't get position: fixed, the latter causing it to be invisible...

I'm still investigating this issue, perhaps it would be fixed as Safari 11 gets finalized...

Looks like to have to do with https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/217522/webkit/

rubenstolk commented 7 years ago

This fixes it for my situation:

  Polymer.IronFitBehavior.__discoverInfo = Polymer.IronFitBehavior._discoverInfo;
  Polymer.IronFitBehavior._discoverInfo = function () {
    this._fitInfo.positionedBy.vertically = this._fitInfo.positionedBy.horizontally = null;