PolymerElements / iron-icons

A set of icons for use with iron-icon
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Docs and demo for iron-icons are missing #13

Closed davydik closed 8 years ago

davydik commented 9 years ago

See https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-icons

Docs page is empty Demo is missing

robdodson commented 9 years ago


jurgenfink commented 9 years ago

@davydik @robdodson Yes, you are right. It seems, they are still working on the issue. We are sure that the Polymer Team will fix it soon, as the issue seems to be "only" a timing-issue . If you like, you may want to have a look at certain workarounds we came up with meanwhile: https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-icon/issues/19 and https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-icons/issues/14 .

@addyosmani and @ebidel and the Polymer Team: keep up the good work - Polymer rocks, especially 1.0 :+1: And once paper-sub-menu and paper-drop-down are ready, 1.0 rocks even more, he he he Good Luck and thanks to all of you. We all appreciate your work :+1: :+1: :+1:

ebidel commented 9 years ago

@atotic @garlicnation @tjsavage how what do we need to do to get docs + demo of the icons? With the icon demo, it's impossible to know what's available.

arthurevans commented 9 years ago

Note that the demo is there, the docs are missing (and with them, the link to the demos). In the case of iron-icons, this may be because we lack a tag for generic (non-element, non-behavior) components like iron-icons and iron-flex-layout.

arthurevans commented 9 years ago

Filed possibly-related issue here: https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-doc-viewer/issues/47

tjsavage commented 9 years ago

iron-icons doesn't really fit our model for slurping element documentation into the catalog, which is no excuse not to show anything there but means it might take a little time to work out the best way to get documentation here. Arthur's issue above is the broader problem.

I'll keep this one open until we solve this one - thanks for everyone's patience!

notwaldorf commented 9 years ago

Assigning it to @tjsavage to keep an :eyes: on it. This probably requires a fix in iron-component-page, since the demo exists, but isn't showing up.

atotic commented 9 years ago

The problem is that iron-icons has no element to attach demo to. Until https://github.com/Polymer/hydrolysis/issues/136 is fixed, your only workaround would be to create a dummy IconDemo @polymerBehavior, and attach @demo to it.

miriti commented 9 years ago

I couldn't wait so I've made my own catalog of the iron-icons :) I'd like to share it with you: http://polymer-icons.polyploy.com/

brianreeve commented 8 years ago

For those looking for the "real" docs, this URL hack was presented in Polycast #20 as a workaround until it gets fixed:


kaycebasques commented 8 years ago

The URL mentioned by @brianreeve no longer works (but I can verify that it used to).

robdodson commented 8 years ago

@kaycebasques it works for me? maybe the page was down for a bit?

brianreeve commented 8 years ago

@kaycebasques, @robdodson - I'm getting a generic 404 page apparently coming from Firebase at https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-icons?view=demo:demo/index.html

Fairly certain it worked as recently as yesterday.

A cursory look at the other element docs exposes no other issues.

kaycebasques commented 8 years ago

Behavior I'm seeing is the same as described by @brianreeve.

robdodson commented 8 years ago

Hm that's weird. It's working fine for me in an Incognito window... @arthurevans @ebidel are you seeing similar issues?

ebidel commented 8 years ago

See it.

screen shot 2015-09-02 at 9 33 35 am

Is FB exploding?

robdodson commented 8 years ago

weird i'm in some kind of bubble it seems.

ebidel commented 8 years ago

Marking as code-yellow. It's been open for a while and doesn't make our docs look great.

atotic commented 8 years ago

Just created a showDocsDemo branch here that uses the polymerBehavior hack I mention above to display docs/demo. I think the old #hashlinks in the docs no longer work, other than that this is what I'd do for a quick fix.

frankiefu commented 8 years ago

I think requiring <script> tag with a behavior-like object following the comment is probably unacceptable. @garlicnation, how about adding support in hydrolysis, maybe something like this: https://github.com/Polymer/hydrolysis/issues/136

garlicnation commented 8 years ago

Fixed on a branch: http://polygit.org/hydrolysis*+:unattachedComments/iron-icons*+:pseudoElement/components/iron-icons/index.html

frankiefu commented 8 years ago

Sweet. I will try it on Catalog to see if anything needs to be done there.

arthurevans commented 8 years ago

:100: :+1: :fireworks: :cake:

phidias51 commented 8 years ago

This seems to be broken again. There are currently no demos for the icons.

notwaldorf commented 8 years ago

/cc @blasten