PolymerElements / iron-icons

A set of icons for use with iron-icon
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Update Icon Documentation #21

Closed phidias51 closed 8 years ago

phidias51 commented 8 years ago

The core-icons documentation had an icon showcase page [https://www.polymer-project.org/0.5/components/core-icons/demo.html} that showed each of the different icon sets and the icons available to them. The current iron-icons element page has no documentation whatsoever, and is in desperate need of an update. It would be good if the documentation was also searchable, to make it easier to find icons.

fxedel commented 8 years ago

There actually is a demo with all icons: https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-icons?view=demo:demo/index.html

But it's not accessible when you search for iron-icons because there isn't the demo button. Maybe it's because there are still no docs for this element?

notwaldorf commented 8 years ago

This has already been fixed in the catalog.

phidias51 commented 8 years ago

Thanks Monica. I looked at the demo page and I noticed that all of the icon names were prefaced with "icons:*". Is that now required or will the short name still work.

notwaldorf commented 8 years ago

For icons: the short name still works, but for all other collections, you need to use the prefix (maps:local-pizza)