PolymerElements / iron-icons

A set of icons for use with iron-icon
105 stars 61 forks source link

Links in the Readme lead to a 404 #66

Open thapapratyush opened 7 years ago

thapapratyush commented 7 years ago

The attached links in the last two lines of the Readme leads to a 404 error.

These are the lines: See iron-icon for more information about working with icons.

See iron-iconset and iron-iconset-svg for more information about how to create a custom iconset.

where, iron-icon, iron-iconset and iron-iconset-svg lead to a webpage not found on Github.

Browser and OS used: Google Chrome on OSX.

notwaldorf commented 7 years ago

Yeah, the links are made so that they work in the elements catalog; this unfortunately means they're a bit broken in the README.

/cc @samuelli, since I think this might be a thing to consider for the new catalog

samuelli commented 7 years ago

Hmm, we don't do anything special here. For now, my preference is less magical, so the new catalog behaves the same as GitHub.

My personal preference is probably for fully-qualified URLs here, since we don't plan on hosting documentation on GitHub anymore.

steren commented 7 years ago

There are 2 pending PRs which are fixing this: https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-icons/pull/73 and https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-icons/pull/58

Could on of them be merged?