PolymerElements / iron-icons

A set of icons for use with iron-icon
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Exclude index/test/demo from type generation. #81

Closed aomarks closed 6 years ago

bicknellr commented 6 years ago

The tests seem broken due to the thing that's checking for updated types?

aomarks commented 6 years ago

The tests seem broken due to the thing that's checking for updated types?

This turned out to be a kinda funny, nasty edge case bug in analyzer, which caused me to get different results when running the generator locally vs on travis: https://github.com/Polymer/polymer-analyzer/pull/902

Will need to get this merged/released/piped through here before it'll be fixed.

aomarks commented 6 years ago

The tests seem broken due to the thing that's checking for updated types?

This turned out to be a kinda funny, nasty edge case bug in analyzer, which caused me to get different results when running the generator locally vs on travis: Polymer/polymer-analyzer#902

Will need to get this merged/released/piped through here before it'll be fixed.

Fixed now. PTAL. Thanks!