PolymerElements / iron-icons

A set of icons for use with iron-icon
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iron-icons other than default iron-icons are not displayed on polymer 3 #94

Closed sumioka closed 5 years ago

sumioka commented 5 years ago


maps icons or communication icons are not displayed

Expected outcome

maps icons like maps:place are to be displayed on

Actual outcome

maps icons are not displayed on polymer 3.
there is no code in build folder about maps etc. there is only js file for default icons.

Live Demo

no demo

Steps to reproduce

if someone can display, my problem is to be ignored.

Browsers Affected

sumioka commented 5 years ago

when I write the another img tag, one of the icons are displayed. one map icon is displayed, another map icon remains undisplayed

sumioka commented 5 years ago

reproduce condition is not clear, so temporally close this issue.

sumioka commented 5 years ago

I wrote the

<img src="images/home.png" id="1">
<img src="images/home.png" id="2">
<iron-icon icon="maps:hotel"></iron-icon>

then it becomes

<a images="" home.png"="" id="1" href="http://....&gt;&#10;                &lt;img src=">
<img src="images/home.png" id="2">
<iron-icon icon="maps:hotel"></iron-icon> </a>
sumioka commented 5 years ago

sorry this might not be iron-icons probrem. I check it more precisely

camstuart commented 5 years ago

Did you find the solution?

The documentation does not show how to use for example <iron-icon icon="social:mood"></iron-icon>

How does one use an icon from Communication, Device, Editor for example?

GrantASL19 commented 2 years ago

For us the solution to this problem was to import the required icon sets.


import '@polymer/iron-icons/iron-icons.js';


import '@polymer/iron-icons/iron-icons.js';
import '@polymer/iron-icons/social-icons';