PolymerElements / iron-input

An input with data binding
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iron-input is not working with Polymer 1.9.x and paper-input 2.0.x #112

Open wojinwomacka opened 7 years ago

wojinwomacka commented 7 years ago


Hello, today I was facing critical bugs in my applicaiton with paper-inputs.. 1) Tabulator was not working on paper-input. User had to press it twice to get to next input. 2) Clearing paper-input binded data didn't worked.

For example I had something like: <paper-input value="{{test.foo}}"></paper-input>

and exetucing this.set("test", null);

should result in clearing paper-input value. But old value from object that no longer existed was still there. (I am sorry about my english) What I am trying to say is that I was unable to clear data from all paper-inputs on page by setting null on some object. What i had to do was: this.set("test.foo", null); ... well everyone can imagine that having 20 paper-inputs on page and doing this for every input would be totaly retarded.

So i started to research what the hell is going on with my application. (I was upgrading my project to newest versions of all elements few days ago. So thing were complicated).

I tried completely new instalation of Polymer version 1.9.x. Then I installed paper-input version 2.0.0. which also installs iron-input version 2.0.0. Well, things were absolutely same. Bad tab focusing and wrong behave of binding.

I tried older version of paper-input or polymer........ without success.

Then I realised there is iron-input inside and I should downgrade him.. HURAAAYYY .. everything started to work fine. So version 1.0.11 is much more stable propably than 2.0.0. All other dependencies are on their latests versions.

So, I am asking, is there something terribly wrong with iron-input ? or am I just so stupid and I did something wrong?

Actual outcome

Tabulators are not working. User need to press tab twice to focus to next input (tested on paper-input, but i think all other elements using iron-input will have this problem)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install brand new project using Polymer 1.9.x (propably older versions won't work too)
  2. Install paper-input bower install PolymerElements/paper-input
  3. Add some paper-inputs in your project next to each other in code (so you can test tabulator)
  4. Open browser and test it out

Browsers Affected

I have tested it on chrome only but I think this have something to do with all browsers