PolymerElements / iron-pages

Simple content switcher
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Polymer 1.5/iOS: How to stop event propagation over iron-pages #39

Open RomanovX opened 8 years ago

RomanovX commented 8 years ago

We have a one page app which uses iron pages and express-router to navigate. In the browser and on android it works perfectly, on iOS however, we have a bug. The problem occurs if we switch pages by a button press. If the button is exactly over an input text field element (read: in the same position, but on the next iron-page) the input element gains focus directly after the page switch.

We used to have this problem as well with two buttons in the same position but this was solved by changing all on-clicks to on-taps.

Things we have tried so far:

Note that we have experienced this problem since Polymer 1.0 all through 1.5.

Also posted at: http://stackoverflow.com/posts/38077416/edit