PolymerElements / iron-pages

Simple content switcher
48 stars 19 forks source link

selectedItem isn't set when rendered in the background #52

Open samuelli opened 7 years ago

samuelli commented 7 years ago


Some attributes aren't set correctly when iron-pages is rendered in the background.

Expected outcome

If you inspect iron-pages, selectedItem should be the selected item.

Actual outcome

If you inspect iron-pages, selectedItem is undefined, even though the page is selected correctly.

Live Demo


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open demo link in new tab
  2. Wait for it to load before clicking on the tab
  3. Inspect iron-pages.selectedItem

Can also repro by quickly opening the page, tabbing away before iron-pages loads, and coming back after it has loaded.

Browsers Affected

Unsure about others

ymaz commented 6 years ago

Hi, does PolymerElement have plans to resolve this issue in near future? Thanks

HJK181 commented 6 years ago

Over one year old a no comments?