PolymerElements / iron-selector

Manages a list of elements that can be selected
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Keep current selection when attrForSelected is reset #163

Closed valdrinkoshi closed 6 years ago

valdrinkoshi commented 6 years ago

Fixes #162

bicknellr commented 6 years ago

I think #161 made more sense for fixing this; changing attrForSelected (even to null, for example) seems like it should also change the selection.

valdrinkoshi commented 6 years ago

@bicknellr with the last commit now we also update the selected value in order to preserve the current selection.

bicknellr commented 6 years ago

(responding to my own comment above) @valdrinkoshi pointed out that I wasn't correct in my assumption about how this was supposed to work, so we're moving back to this PR, with changes for a particular edge case (changing attrForSelected to something falsy).

bicknellr commented 6 years ago

Once the tests pass, LGTM!

valdrinkoshi commented 6 years ago

Merging this, opened an issue to revert to use polymer-cli here https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-selector/issues/164